Efficient methods for filtering and ranking fragments for the prediction of structurally variable regions in proteins (Heuser P, Wohlfahrt G, Schomburg D; Proteins. 2004 Feb 15;54(3):583-95.) ABSTRACT (PubMed), FULL TEXT (Proteins)
Refinement of Unbound Protein Docking Studies using Biological Knowledge (Heuser P, Bau D, Benkert P, Schomburg D; Proteins. 2005 Dec 1;61(4):1059-67.) ABSTRACT (PubMed), FULL TEXT (Proteins)
Optimised amino acid specific weighting factors for unbound protein docking (Heuser P, Schomburg D; BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:344) ABSTRACT/FULLTEXT (BMC)
Optimierte atom- und aminosäurespezifische Gewichtungsfaktoren für Protein-Docking Methoden (Dissertation Heuser P; University of Cologne) ABSTRACT/FULLTEXT (KUPS/UNI Köln)
Combination of scoring schemes for protein docking (Heuser P, Schomburg D; BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8:279) ABSTRACT/FULLTEXT (BMC)
Interpretation of very low resolution X-ray electron-density maps using core objects (Heuser P, Langer GG, Lamzin VS; Acta Cryst. 2009. D65, 690-696 ) PDF
Efficient Methods for Filtering and Ranking Fragments for Loop Prediction in Proteins
shown at GCB03 (München) and ECCB03 (Paris)
An Automatic Procedure for the search and Identification of New Unbound Docking Examples
shown at GCB03 (München) and ECCB03 (Paris)
Refinement of Unbound Protein Docking Studies using Biological Knowledge
shown at GCB04 (Bielefeld) and ISMB/ECCB04 (Glasgow)
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Protein-Protein Docking@CUBIC
shown at Bioperspectives05 (Wiesbaden)
Amino Acid Dependent Weighting Factors for FFT-based Unbound Protein Docking shown at ECCB05 Madrid
Density modification by directed mutagenesis of electron density maps shown at IUCr08 Osaka
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Abstract in Acta Cryst. (2008). A64, C220
Towards an automatic interpretation of macromolecular low resolution X-ray maps
shown at DGK 2009 (Hannover)
Pattern recognition with moment invariants for interpretation of very low resolution macromolecular density maps
shown at ECCB 2010 (Ghent/BE)
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